فرم خرید

فرم خرید

<!-- Start Code ParsTools.com Contact Form-->
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function restrictinput(maxlength,e,placeholder){
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var pressedkey=/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\/]/ //detect alphanumeric keys
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function countlimit(maxlength,e,placeholder){
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function displaylimit(thename, theid, thelimit){
var theform=theid!=""? document.getElementById(theid) : thename
var limit_text='<b><span id="'+theform.toString()+'">'+thelimit+'</b> کاراکتر'
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<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function CheckFormParstools () {

//Initialise variables
var errorMsg = "";

//Check for a name
if (document.Contactform.Name.value == ""){
errorMsg += "\n\n\t\t\t !نام شما وارد نشده است ";

//Check for an e-mail address and that it is valid
if ((document.Contactform.Email.value == "") || (document.Contactform.Email.value.length > 0 && (document.Contactform.Email.value.indexOf("@",0) == - 1 || document.Contactform.Email.value.indexOf(".",0) == - 1))) {
errorMsg += "\n\n\t !آدرس ايميل شما بطور صحيح وارد نشده است ";

//Check for an enquiry
if (document.Contactform.Message.value == "") {
errorMsg += "\n\n\t\t !پیام شما وارد نشده است ";

//If there is aproblem with the form then display an error
if (errorMsg != ""){
msg = "\t\t : لطفا فرم ارسال را بطور کامل پر نماييد\n";
msg += "___________________________________________________";

errorMsg += alert(msg + errorMsg + "\n___________________________________________________\n\n");
return false;

return true;
// -->

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<div align="center">
<table border="0" class="text" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="450" id="1" dir="rtl">
<form name="Contactform" method="post" target=_self action="http://www.parstools.com/sendform/default.asp" onSubmit="return CheckFormParstools();">

<td align=right>* نام و نام خانوادگی :
<td align=right>
<INPUT size=25 name=Name class="form" maxlength="100">

<td align=right>* آدرس ایمیل:
<td align=right>
<INPUT size=25 name=Email class="form" maxlength="50" dir="ltr">

<td align=right>شماره تماس:
<td align=right>
<INPUT size=25 name=Subject class="form" maxlength="50" dir="rtl">
<td align=right valign=top>* کد ایرانسل:
<td align=right>
<TEXTAREA name=Message rows="2" cols="22" class="form" ></TEXTAREA>
<td align=right height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="center">
<INPUT type="reset" value="پاک کردن فرم" name="Reset" class="button">
<INPUT type=submit value="ارسال" name="Submit" class="button">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="PB_SENDFORM" value="SEND">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="User" value="qbbb">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="To" value="qbbb@mailfa.com">
<p align="center">
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<font size="1"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.parstools.com"></a></font>
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<!-- End Code ParsTools.com Contact Form-->

گزارش تخلف